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The app uses the Ultra-Short Sleep method
This method inspired geniuses of the 20th century. While thinking about solving problems, they would fall into daytime sleep holding a small object in their hand. As they fell asleep, it would fall out of their hand and wake them up.
dozed in an armchair holding a steel ball in his hand
Thomas Edison
fell asleep holding his keys over a tray
Salvador Dali
dozed with a spoon between his fingers
Albert Einstein
They were catching the borderline state between sleep and wakefulness. At such moments, the subconscious mind is activated, which often contributes to unexpected discoveries and insights.
A smart alarm clock wakes you up at the perfect stage of sleep
The app will help you wake up in the first phase of sleep, which is ideal for creative tasks.
You fall asleep with one earbud in your ear and the other in your hand. When you fall asleep, your muscles relax and the earbud falls out of your hand. Thanks to the detector in the earbud, the app will recognize when you've fallen asleep.
Set the time after which the alarm will go off from the moment you fall asleep (default is 10 seconds).
The Eureka simulator helps the brain to activate the imagination when the alarm clock sounds.
The Eureka simulator will develop a reflex to sound
10 images will appear sequentially on the screen. In the beginning, they will all be blurry. A second before the image becomes clear, an alarm will sound.
You need to try to understand what is depicted in the pictures while the countdown is in progress.
Scientific research on the Ultra-Short Sleep method
Participants were asked to solve math problems. The first group was given a nap while solving the problems, while holding a bottle in their hand. The second group was kept awake.
Paris Brain Institute (France, 2021)
Participants who napped for more than 15 seconds and woke up during the first phase of sleep were three times more likely to find a “hidden trick” that helped them solve problems quickly.
Participants were divided into four groups. The first group was given a nap, including a “think of a tree” prompt before falling asleep. The second group napped with the prompt “observe your thoughts.” The third and fourth groups stayed awake.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA, 2023)
All groups took creativity tests on the “tree” theme. Those who napped performed better on the tasks than those who were awake, and the first group significantly outperformed all other groups in terms of creativity.
Study finds: “Ultra-Short Sleep” tripled the likelihood of insights when solving math problems. The results are published in the journal Science Advances.
Experts proved that “Ultra-Short Sleep” activates creative abilities. The results are published in the journal Scientific Reports.
Awaken your intuition to find ingenious solutions
Nobel Prize winner James Watson dreamt of two intertwined snakes with their heads at opposite ends. This dream led him to think about the shape and structure of DNA.
in science
Salvador Dalí claimed that his dreams were an important source of inspiration. An example is his painting “The Permanence of Memory,” where a clock gently melts and transforms into something unreal.
in art
Paul McCartney revealed in an interview that he heard the song “Yesterday” in a dream. “The idea was swirling around in my head, and in the dream it was probably my subconscious that triggered it. I woke up to that tune!”
in music
Ray Bradbury admitted in an interview, “Stories often come to me when I wake up. In that time between waking and being fully awake, the mind relaxes and ideas come to mind.”
In literature
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«The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.»
Albert Einstein
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Many people believe that insight is a mysterious phenomenon available only to great scientists and creative geniuses. By thinking this way, they deprive themselves of a useful tool for out-of-the-box thinking.

The solution to crucial problems like growing a business, building a career, and finding a favorite job or life partner can be “found” through unconscious mechanisms.
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